The Top 12 Angular Libraries in 2022

top angular libraries

While it is absolutely okay to avoid using external libraries on occasion, they can have a significant impact on the development process. These Angular libraries will be useful while working on Angular-based projects. 

The community has contributed to many libraries to fill in the gaps and improve Angular’s tooling. Angular has a sizable and active user base. This post will look at the top 12 Angular libraries for 2022 and beyond. So, without further ado, let’s get to it.

1. Angular Apollo

Apollo Angular is an excellent tool for app developers because it allows them to request data for specific sections of their program. Apollo client, a package that provides a mechanism for consuming data, can be used to query GraphQL endpoints. Apollo includes client libraries for React, Angular, Vue, and other popular frontend frameworks. 

It’s an Angular-specific library for GraphQL endpoint consumption. The Apollo Angular framework is unconcerned about the type of router used in the application. Furthermore, server-side rendering is supported. The manual is well-written and offers several examples to get you started.

2. ng-bootstrap

In contrast to the previous version, ng-bootstrap no longer requires jQuery, instead depending simply on Bootstrap’s CSS. Based on the JavaScript components that have been implemented thus far, the library appears to be a complete solution for using Bootstrap with Angular. The bootstrap framework is a good choice for many Angular developers, as evidenced by nearly 7k star ratings.

3. Angular2-jwt

Interceptors are often used to append headers to network requests for authentication in web token-based single-page apps. Requests that do not require access tokens can be readily filtered out. However, doing so is quite complex. As a result, the amazing library comes in handy. Auth0 for Angular’s angular-jwt package can be used to load access tokens from local or session storage.

4. AngularJS and Google Maps

The Angular library includes a library for implementing Google Maps services. The assistance section contains maps, markings, and other commands. An async function in the library makes it simple to determine whether the Google Maps plugin is already installed on the website.

5. AngularFire2

Is your Angular application missing real-time functionality? Then look no further, for this library provides real-time data synchronization by utilizing RxJS, Firebase, and Angular. Cloud Firebase and the real-time database, as well as files uploaded to Cloud Storage and Push Notifications, can be queried and transmitted using Cloud Firebase’s services. The software also includes offline and server-side rendering capabilities. To handle any function in your application, a single module can be readily imported. It’s also a good idea to look into the differences between Angular and AngularJS.

6. ng2-file-upload

It would be nice if an external library handled file uploads for your web application. Valon-ng2-file-upload software’s library, designed by the designers of ngx-bootstrap, makes it simple to upload files to your website. 

The library supports both drag-and-drop and file selection. A single utility class is responsible for each of the numerous upload methods (FileUploader). There is also event-based monitoring for file upload progress, problems, and successes.

7. Angular Material 2

Angular Material 2offers components like buttons, dialogs, and bottom sheets, all of which are compliant with and correspond to the Material Design standards. Angular Material 2 includes four pre-designed themes and over 40 components.

8. ngrx/store

A proper state management solution is required if you need to share data among many components. NgRx provides reactive libraries for Angular. The ngrx/store package contains reactive Angular statements. RxJS technologies in this package can be used to accomplish Redux-like state management. The ngrx/store package, like Redux, handles data flow in Angular applications through Actions, Reducers, Selects, and Stores. If you follow the instructions in the library’s manual, using ngrx/store is simple.

9. ng2-pdf-viewer

The ng2-pdf-viewer library can be used by a web application to view and interact with PDF files. A component for converting PDF files is included in the library. You can use this component instead if you wish to do things like resize, rotate, or search through the page. When it comes to working with PDF files in your web project, the directives in this library will help you a lot.

10. ngx-charts

Using data in a web application needs the usage of a data visualization library capable of handling a wide range of rendering changes. Because it leverages Angular to create SVG animations, the ngx-charts library is faster and more flexible than other SVG animation libraries.

11. ngx-moment

Using JavaScript functions in this library, dates and times can be parsed, formatted, validated, and so on. ngx-moment extends Moment.js by adding Angular pipes for use in components to the Moment library. The functionalities of Moment.js are already tuned into it, saving you the hassle of importing them into each component you use. You may get started with GitHub by visiting the official page and following the steps.

12. ng-seed/universal

The ng-seed/universal Chrome and Firefox plugins are available on the Angular website. If you wish to contribute or report bugs, go to Github. As an Angular developer, this library should be your go-to tool for everything. It is made up of the following packages: 

  • An ngx web server addon that handles meta tags and other aspects of search engine optimization (SEO).
  • The ngx-cache handles application-wide data management.
  • ngx-auth is a package for handling jwt authentication.
  • Webpack setups, server-side rendering, lazy loading, and other capabilities are available.

In Conclusion

If you’re having difficulty with something in your development process, there are libraries available that have already solved the problem for you. The problem is to find the correct library for your application while also ensuring that it serves its goal. Hire Angular JS developer teams to assist you in avoiding such challenges by handling the development side while you focus on your core business operations.

AngularJS is the most widely used for building web applications. Angular makes it easier to break up a user interface into smaller, more manageable pieces by providing well-tested process flows and powerful tools. Component libraries in Angular make it easier for developers to build powerful and efficient applications for their customers.

It’s usual practice to avoid introducing third-party libraries into apps while they’re still being designed. External libraries, on the other hand, can dramatically shorten development time, which can be critical in some instances. We hope you find this post useful. Until next time, happy developing.



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