In the first non-Star Wars film, we go back in time, just before the legendary events of Episode 4, where Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), a girl with a tragic childhood and a cold attitude formed under her influence, becomes a key figure in the Rebels’ increasingly desperate attempts to fight the evil Empire. Get ready to enjoy the best entertainment ever and pamper yourself for the best weekend on mkvmad for free.
Lines that have been around for a long time
Testing the waters across lines that have been in place for so long inevitably leads to a strange misstep. Rogue One has all the makings of a successful and entertaining film, but as it gets deeper, things get more complicated. There are some undeniably good aspects and some undeniably bad, and they all blend together. In my opinion, the root of the mkvmad film’s biggest problem is that it is an emotional and personal story told as a big action movie. For comparison purposes, this was an appropriate way to approach it. While it has many important and personal aspects, it ended up being a space epic and was told as such.
The film manages to both entertain and inform
Rogue One is essentially an intimate story, a character journey. On a larger scale, we already know what’s going to happen; we need to see Jean’s emotional journey and what she likes. And when the film focuses on smaller things, it’s exactly as it should be, darker in itself but never worse than Star Wars in terms of engagement. But it doesn’t always work, it gets distracting, gives in to the temptation to be big and epic, and then uses the characters just to advance the plot. Then nonsensical things start to fill the running time. Cameos and blatant references, for example. Some of them are added in an entertaining way, but when it comes to storytelling, they have abandoned works.
He could have shot the best battle scenes
Even Darth Vader, who I was glad to see again despite my misgivings. The CGI of Leia and Tarquin could have been completely removed, and not just because the effects (impressive as they were) were distracting. Even the big battle scenes could have been cut if they weren’t directly about the individual characters. Unfortunately, when a film forgets its heroine, it fails miserably. When we don’t focus on understanding her, she comes across as a one-dimensional girl, just a tough guy. I loved the brief glimpses of her vulnerability, the nightmares of abandonment, her cynical resistance to feeling anything, or the scene where her father dies.
Jane’s death should at least be her last
But these things were not meant to end her arc. The structure was there, especially in the fear of abandonment, but it wasn’t explored or worked on enough to make us feel all the consequences of her friends never abandoning her. To show that her problems are solved. I am hard on the characters in this movie because all the characters die. Things would have been different if they had lived on. Even without continuity, we know that they continue to grow and change. Jean should have been at least the last part of their storyline.
The pain will change
In retrospect, I can see that their journey was technically complete if you fill in some gaps with assumptions, but at the time it seemed unresolved. You should be able to come back a second time and experience it in a normal way, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be a failure. I usually protect my emotions in movies, but I expected death to come in and prepared myself to accept the pain, ready to be touched. I wanted this movie to break my heart, but it was busy and distracting and didn’t dwell on the pain long enough to touch me completely. Each time I started to cry, the scene changed to something that wasn’t sad.
The sadness that was there was not felt
The sadness did not feel manipulative, but natural and easy to understand. It’s a sad movie, and I don’t blame it for not achieving its goal. I don’t want to blame it for that. I think some of the details could have been changed, but basically, everything in the movie is okay. You see a good story. The story may not have been told as clearly as it could have been, but it was told with dedication, with a lot of heart, and with a lot of emotion, because it is dark and darkly beautiful.
My thoughts on the answer and the film are the same
The biggest question I asked myself at the beginning of the film on mkvmad was “Is this story worth it?” and I had a feeling that the answer and my opinion of the film would be the same. I was right, and the answer was definitely “yes.” I knew Cassian (Diego Luna) was my favorite and I was happy with my choice. I thought that, like almost all characters, he needed more development, but my first impression was pleasant because I was pleasantly surprised by his development. Very quickly, I wanted more. I found him very compelling as a hardened soldier who follows orders, knowing that the end justifies the means. And I got to watch him fight with Gina for two hours.
Best and perhaps most compelling
Their relationship was going well for a while until it ended quickly. It had a lot of potentials, and if the order of the movie was reversed, they could take center stage. What I like about K-2SO is that it’s the best-animated mkvmad film (in fact the only animated film) in the form of an android with no verbal filter. Just endless humor that only Alan Tudyk can do. (He even filmed the character’s movements onset). But, of course, he also suffered from heartburn…and a surprising amount of bad humor. His death scene was the best and perhaps the most inspiring.
He did all this in a short amount of time and with little drama
Unfortunately, the other three rebels (the pilot Bhodi (Riz Ahmed), the blind Chirrut (Donnie Yen), and his blind friend Baz (Wen Jian)) didn’t make an impact until the end of the mkvmad film, but I liked them enough that their deaths were important. All of them were good because they got enough screen time, and I’m sure I’ll get to know them and connect with them even more in the future. Mads Mikkelsen, who plays Gina Galen’s father, is very cool and his character is masterful. He had no complaints as he was able to do everything immediately, dramatically, and with style. Forest Whitaker was also good but ultimately did not stand out.
That moment in the tower was only part of it
The film’s main villain, Krennic, was overshadowed by the larger and probably unnecessary villains who outshine him, which is a shame, because Ben Mendelsohn was a brilliant, stylish, and easily detestable villain, and he could have been the only dominant villain on-screen on mkvmad. I wanted the climax to be a personal battle between him and Gina rather than an epic battle. That moment in the tower was a fraction of the time it could have been. I think Rogue One fell apart a bit. Or ignorant. I don’t think it understood what we want from a Star Wars movie.
The movie had to balance the personal legacy with
I was only interested in what they considered fan service, and when I wanted it, it was often ignored or interrupted. But maybe that was just me. I know they wanted to appeal to the widest possible audience. So the film had to find a balance between a personal character and a very engaging cinematic bomb. It’s hard to find that themoviesflix and search for your favorite movies of all time. Go and explore the ocean of entertainment on the website.
A Star Wars story is exceptional
I don’t want to cut this film where it doesn’t deserve it, but in the end, my opinion of this mkvmad film can only be very positive – due to my own complaints and desire for more characters. After all, I wouldn’t have wanted more if I didn’t like them. It may be a bit inappropriate. But the Star Wars story in Rogue One is worth telling. A bold and beautiful dive into a galaxy far, far away that keeps expanding.