Is muscle gained by muscle training really unusabl? How to add usable muscle to sports movements?


Is the muscle gained by muscle training really “unusable”? How to add “usable muscles” to sports movements?This is a must-read book for athletes who are enthusiastic about weight training for competitive sports and for muscle training enthusiasts.Usable / Unusable Muscle Theory-Is the muscle attached by muscle training really “unusable”?
posted with Yomereba Is muscle gained by muscle
Michiya Tanimoto Baseball Magazine 2008-04-01
Until a decade ago, there was a time when the mainstream idea was that weight training to increase muscles would not be useful for sports, and on the contrary, it would be negative.However, in recent years, the importance of weight training has been recognized, and the physical fitness and competition level of athletes in each competition have increased.Without weight training, it would be difficult to be at the top level.However, there is certainly the idea of ​​”unusable muscles” even today.Sport movements and weight trainingIs muscle gained by muscle
f: id: keitaf31: 20190108170309j: plainNo matter how heavy a barbell can be raised, it is meaningless self-satisfaction unless it is utilized in the competition.As a result of enthusiastic work on muscle training, many athletes may have experienced that their bodies became heavier and their movements in sports became worse.The expressions “unusable muscles” and “fake muscles” are often used.It refers to a person who has large muscles and looks strong with muscular ridges, but is not able to exert so much power in sports operation .It’s true that weight training can make you less sporty, but you can avoid it and build strong, competitive muscles.It’s also important to understand that while muscle size and weight can have negative potential in sports movements, they don’t grow so easily that they get in the way .Understand the mechanism of physical movement and perform training suitable for the competition
f: id: keitaf31: 20190108172750j: plainJust as sprinters and marathon runners have different body shapes, the ideal way to build muscle differs depending on the competition and event.Since muscles carry mass, they are both an engine that moves the body and a “burden”. Therefore, it cannot be said that the larger the muscles, the better the competition performance, and there is an ideal body shape depending on the sport and play style.[Sports operation and muscle training]Is muscle gained by muscle

▼ base up (hard)
muscle hypertrophy due to weight training

▼ tune-up (soft)
basic skills training
to exhibit the fast force


▼ performance up
forces in the sport operating
improvement of speed demonstrated ability

competition Balance is important to build “usable muscles” for

— Athlete Nutrition (@athlete_health) January 8, 2019

To get usable muscles
f: id: keitaf31: 20190108221211j: plainBy combining weight training aimed at muscle hypertrophy and skill training aimed at improving skills, it is possible to build strong muscles that can be used.In addition, the expression “unusable muscles” is used , but according to ” Usable muscles / unusable muscle theory-Is the muscle attached by muscle training really” unusable “? ” , It is not “unusable muscle”. , “I can’t use my muscles . “The ability of muscles to exert their strength is improved by increasing the size of muscles. And, as the force becomes stronger, the speed at which it can be moved also increases. The more muscles are hypertrophied by weight training, the better the muscle’s ability as an engine.It is not the problem of the muscle itself that it can be used well or not, but the problem of the nerve control that moves the muscle .If “muscles that cannot be used” are not useful for sports, but if “muscles cannot be used”, training for that can improve performance.Top athletes with well-developed muscles are able to do that.

Until a decade ago, there was a time when the mainstream idea was that weight training to increase muscles would not be useful for sports, and on the contrary, it would be negative.It’s also important to understand that while muscle size and weight can have negative potential in sports movements, they don’t grow so easily that they get in the way .Understand the mechanism of physical movement and perform training suitable for the competitionplainJust as sprinters and marathon runners have different body shapes, the ideal way to build muscle differs depending on the competition and event.Since muscles carry mass, they are both an engine that moves the body and a “burden”.odies became heavier and their movements in sports became worse.

The expressions “unusable muscles” and “fake muscles” are often used.It refers to a person who has large muscles and looks strong with muscular ridges, but is not able to exert so much power in sports operation .It’s true that weight training can make you less sporty, but you can avoid it and build strong, competitive muscles. It is not “unusable muscle”. , “I can’t use my muscles . “The ability of muscles to exert their strength is improved by increasing Until a decade ago, there was a time when the mainstream idea was that weight training to increase muscles would not be useful for sports, and on the contrary, it would be negative.However, in recent years, the importance of weight training has been recognized, and the physical fitness and competition level of athletes

plainBy combining weight training aimed at muscle hypertrophy and skill training aimed at improving skills, it is possible to build strong muscles that can be used.In addition, the expression “unusable muscles” is used , but according to ” Usable muscles / unusable muscle theory-Is the muscle attached by muscle training really” unusable “? ” , It is not “unusable muscle”.Therefore, it cannot be said that the larger the muscles, the better the competition performance, and there is an ideal body shape depending on the sport and play style.[Sports operation and muscle training].It’s true that weight training can make you less sporty, but you can avoid it and build strong, competitive muscles.It’s also important to understand that while muscle size and weight can have negative potential in sports movements, they don’t grow so easily that they get in the way .Understand the mechanism of physical movement and perform training suitable for the competition



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