Are you the master of your craft?
This does not mean that you are a master of your craft. I want to ask you: “Are your skills masterful?” You are invited to reflect upon the craftsmen of the past (I am not gender-neutral in this question).
My view is that being “My Craft Master” implies that you are highly skilled and efficient.
If you think about the craftsmen of the past, it’s possible to see a completely different picture. I hope so. The term “Craftsman”, evokes the same skill, efficiency, and performance as the craftsman, but it also portrays someone who is very proud of what they have achieved and has great respect for the opportunities available to them.
They are aware that they are excellent, but they desire to improve. They seek out new learning, new skills, new methods, different experiences, and shared insights. Anything and everything that can help them become better at what they do.
Don’t get me wrong. There are many people like them out there. As I have spoken with many of these people every week during our coaching program, I am aware of their existence. There are also people who are talented but don’t want to improve their skills.
This is where you will see the difference, and how I want to make it different. You should be a master craftsman, not just a master of your craft.
Master craftsmen have a unique attitude, approach, perspective, agenda and set of goals. Notice that I didn’t say “better”, but “different”. However, I believe that this “different” can lead to better performance, higher achievement, and ultimately greater satisfaction for everyone.
What are the characteristics of a master craftsman you can apply to your own situation?
1. They were able to learn quickly and kept learning.
Master Craftsmen may have learned their craft from an early age. A family member introduced them to the craft in a basic way but they were hungry for more. Also, They then became a “student to master craftsmen.”
However, They put in a lot of effort to improve their understanding and skills. They persevered until they were able to become teachers, but they never stopped learning.
Also, They are master craftsmen and have never lost the desire to improve. They are always looking for others who can help them improve. Master craftsmen are skilled, but they also know that there are other people who can help them improve.
2. It’s more than what you do, it’s how you do it.
Master craftsmen go to great efforts to ensure that the work they create is of the highest quality and the highest standard. They understand the importance of high achievement but also the importance of the process required to get there.
However, They do the same quality as the final result, and it is evident in their work and how they do them. They are consistent in their quality, from the planning to the execution and the final result.
There are no quick fixes or easy solutions: Everything — both the outcome and the process — must be at the highest quality possible.
3. Consistency in approach
Master craftsmen know the importance of consistency. Consistency in thought, planning, approach, achievement and satisfaction are all important to master craftsmen.
They don’t let anything stop them from being on their game.
4. They take pride in the skills that they are learning
Master craftsmen are always looking for ways to improve their skills. They are proud of the skills they have developed.
Moreover, They are always looking for new opportunities and ways to improve their skills. They are not limited to what they do right now. Master craftsmen know that not all of their skills will be required. However, if they are, they can continue to improve their skills and move on to the next level.
5. Perfect practice makes perfect
Master craftsmen look for new ways to put their knowledge into practice. Also, They also seek out opportunities to learn from others.
However, They test their creativity, understanding, powers of investigation, thinking processes, strategy, and ability to deliver.
Moreover, They are constantly challenged and re-evaluated on every aspect of their craft to ensure that they deliver the best. They are able to deliver consistently high-quality goods because of all this.
They put in all they can to get the result they want. Also, They are able to step up and take on the challenge and opportunities that lie before them with excitement and confidence.
Because they’ve done their research on all aspects of preparation, they can feel excited and not afraid. They’ve prepared well, and they’re looking forward to getting the chance to do what is necessary.
They are Master Craftsmen. However, They are Master Craftsmen. Not because they can deliver, but because they know how to deliver it in a way that is unique and meets the highest standards.
Congratulations if you’re a master at your craft. Maybe it’s time to be a Master Craftsman.