A Few Aspects To Watch Out For When Buying Leather Bags

Leather bags

A Few Aspects To Watch Out For When Buying Leather Bags

Leather bags are the favorite pick for many to date, and they will never go out of style. Buying a leather bag or just any other item made of leather is a decent investment. Stuff made of pure leather can last a lifetime, and with time and use, it looks great. Leather has not evolved in this century, but it has been in existence since 2200 BC. People used the material to make clothing, accessories, and several other products.

Leather bags

No denying the fact that the initial investment made in buying a leather item is huge, and so many ask themselves, Is it worth buying a leather bag? Will my investment give adequate returns, etc.? Often leather bags are icebreakers in certain conferences and networking events. That said, your investment is going to be worth it.

Though, are all leather bags created equal? No. Different bags are manufactured using different processes and materials. Also, the quality and type of leather vary. Hence, there are a few things that you should look out for before buying a leather bag. Before pulling out your wallet, go over a few points that we have listed below so that you can consider them to make a definite choice.

The Kind of Leather Used 

Just like the leather jacket and shoes, you should look for a bag made from full-grain leather. It is one of the top qualities of GritLeather that looks stunning even after years of use. The best quality leather available develops a patina; the higher quality will have a better patina. You should avoid buying bags that are made from bonded leather.

Bonded leather is nothing but scrap leather pieces that were brought together with chemicals. They are available at cheaper rates, and you should be aware of them.

The Country of Origin 

At times, the country of origin of the leather helps in determining its quality and that of the product. A few countries constantly produce top-quality leather, like the US, Italy, France, etc. Also, these countries have a track record of tanning leather in the best possible ways.

Leather bags

However, it would help if you were a little more discrete regarding labels these days. For instance, some companies label their products as Italian products. Still, they do most of the work in different countries and give the finishing touch in Italy. Hence, always look for premium leather products, where the complete manufacturing process is carried out in reputed countries.

Tanning Process

The leather used to make bags, and other stuff is not produced the same way. There are two major tanning processes employed: vegetable tanning and chrome tanning. For the leather produced using chrome tanning, chromium and other harsh chemicals are used. The process is completed in just two days, and the products are available at cheaper rates.

Then comes vegetable tanning, and unlike the chrome tanning process, leather is produced in a more eco-friendly way. The term “Vegetable” used signifies that more natural products are used in the process. The process of vegetable tanning is long, so the products manufactured using this leather are stiffer and thicker compared to the other options. You should be mindful when buying leather products and make sure that the leather used is produced naturally. You can use a LmcHolder to hang your leather bags.


Before buying a leather bag, you should inspect the quality of the bag and the little parts used. It helps you examine every minute possible detail of the bag to help you make an informed choice. You should pay close attention; it includes Handles, buckles, shoulder strap fittings, locks, zippers, etc.

The Choice of Color: 

Some of the common colors in which leather bags are available include dark brown, tan, light brown, etc. For professional use, black and dark brown are highly suited. They depict a sense of power and authority. Light brown and tan are ideal for a more casual or relaxed working environment. That said, based on the main purpose of investing in a leather bag, you should choose a particular color.

One of the most formal choices is black since it goes well with almost all colors. It would help if you did not buy bags that have more than two colors or the ones that have stitched with a thread of contrasting color.

The Bottom Line

It would help if you were vigilant about picking a leather bag since you will make a costly purchase. Keep in mind that the price is not always an accurate quality indicator. Also, you should check for a few things before you choose to buy a particular bag made of leather. As expected, we have highlighted some of the major key points that you should always keep in mind to ensure that your investment pays off.


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