5 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About Dental Implants in China

Dental Implants in China

If you are someone who is looking for a tooth replacement option for yourself, you have probably learned some of the basic facts regarding dental implants in China. For example, you might know that dental implants involve a titanium post anchored to the jaw bone, a tooth-shaped crown and an abutment that holds the crown to the titanium post. You might also know that dental implants function and look just like natural teeth. The dental implant manufacturers in China make them perfectly nice to make sure it looks real.

Having said all of this, there are probably still things that you don’t know about these implants. Below are some of the facts that will surprise you.

The materials that go into making dental implants do not decay as natural teeth can. This means no more fillings or cavities. Having said that, it is important to note that just because your dental implants will not have cavities, that doesn’t mean you won’t brush or floss your teeth regularly. If you have one or few dental implants, you will still need to continue brushing your natural teeth that are still in your mouth. Even if you have replaced all of them, you are still susceptible to tissue infections if the mouth stays dirty.

  • Dental Implants Outlast Other Tooth Replacement Options

Everyone wants to keep their natural teeth for the rest of their life, but that isn’t possible. You have to look for durable replacement options, but most are not permanent. Dental implements, on the other hand, are permanent replacement options as they are anchored into space, and you will only remove them if they are damaged or, in rare cases, dental implant failure. As long as you take good care of your implants the way you should take care of your natural teeth, you can have them for the rest of your life.

  • Dental Implants are More Popular Than You Think

There is a common misperception that dental in plants is an uncommon choice among dental patients. However, the truth is that more and more patients are choosing dental implants every day. According to the American Academy of implant dentistry, as many as 3 million patients have dental implants. The number of patients choosing Chinese dental implants continues o grow by over 500, 000 per year.

  • Dental implant surgery is not complex or dangerous

Many people think that dental implant surgery encompasses implanting a process into the jaw bone, which is complicated. However, it is just a routine procedure that thousands of dentists perform. Dental implant surgery has a success rate of over 98%. Hence, anyone who has reasonably good health and has sufficient jaw bone to support a dental implant is eligible to get the implant done. Moreover, if you want to know about dental implants in china cost, it is not quite expensive.

  • Dental implants offer health benefits

A dental implant is not just a cosmetic procedure. Implants restore a person’s natural ability to chew and bite dental implants, thus giving them back the ability to maintain a healthy diet. According to a study, people who had lost five or more teeth by the time they turned 65 have a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

These are some unknown and surprising facts about dental implants in China.


Dental implants are not just limited to boosting a person’s confidence or giving them a bright, beautiful smile. These implants can help preserve and maintain health and a youthful appearance. Dental implants have become quite affordable and accessible as their technology has evolved. So if you are considering dental implants for yourself, you are one of the growing numbers of patients making the same choice.



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