Orthopaedic means anything that is concerned with joints, bones, ligaments or muscles. People suffer from different types of orthopaedic disorders. This includes injuries and diseases that cause torn cartilage, foot pain or injury, fibromyalgia and knee and back problems. If the disease gets worst, the people get knee or hip replacement surgery from orthopedic surgeon in Pakistan. However, we can avoid these surgeries with proper measures and exercises. It is a misconception in every society that only old people are prone to injury and weakness. This is somehow true because in old age the bones get weaker and can be damaged easily.
Effects of ageing on bones and joints
Age has different effects on our body. Some changes can be visible and some are not. Many people age normally and remain active throughout their lives. However, many people may face osteoporosis and osteoarthritis in old age. In old age, our muscles begin to shrink and they lose mass. It is natural after 60 years. The number and the size of muscle fibres decrease too with ageing. The water in the tendons and the tissues which connect muscles to bones also decreased with age. With the growing age, especially after 60, the handgrip also decreases like opening a jar or turning a key.
Bones also go through the ageing process. After the 60s, the bone’s mineral content decrease and they become more fragile and less dense. Osteoporosis develops due to loss of mass on bones. It can also lead to fracture the vertebra in both men and women and it can result in a dowager’s hump. With age, the ligament which connects tissues to bones become less elastic, reduce flexibility and can easily be damaged.
Due to changes in tendons and ligaments, joint motion decreases and flexibility also reduces. The cushioning cartilage starts to break down due to lifetime use and it caused arthritis and inflammation.
11 things to consider at the age of 60
If you want to remain healthy and active in your old age you must have to adopt some healthy habits now. Your habits can improve your living and you can enjoy your old age.
Diet is very important to remain healthy and active even after the 60s. But you don’t need to change your eating habits at once. Gradually change your eating habits and start eating healthy things. Instead of eating 2 slices of which bread replace it with 1 slice of whole-grain bread. If you drink orange juice daily you can replace it with 3 whole oranges a week. Eating fruit is better than drinking juice.
Add fibres in your daily diet. It helps to reduce constipation, lose weight, reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer and lower down the cholesterol level. Drink more water as it flushes away toxins and remains you hydrated and active. Add vitamin d in your diet, it strengthens the bones and in old age, you will have less risk of bone injury.
Exercise is equally important after a healthy diet to keep you healthy and active while ageing. Healthy diet and exercise strengthen your brain and it improves your decision making power in old age too.
You should exercise at least 20 to 30 minutes daily. Your exercise should be a combination of aerobic (walking and swimming) and strengthening muscles (weight lifting). You can also do exercise with your partner or group of people. Yoga and meditation are best to keep yourself healthy and active both mentally and physically.
Social behaviour
You should stay active socially with friends and family and your community. It will help you to remain active in old age. In old age, people usually avoid gatherings and they do not like to go out. It minimizes their physical and mental activities.
Staying and sitting or laying at home for all the time can make your bones and muscles weaker. People can feel it difficult when they walk and try to lift something heavy or to bend. It causes different orthopaedic problems and they become immobile. To avoid immobility you should remain active in old age.
Do not neglect health
After 60, people should not neglect their health and they should go for a regular check-up in hospitals. They should not ignore any single problem or pain.
If you have some diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes or heart problem in old age, don’t forget to take your medicines regularly. However, the medicines should be prescribed by a qualified doctor.
Sleep well
In the age of 60 or plus, a person needs sleep of seven to eight hours daily. However, his sleep schedule is shifted from early evening to early morning. It is not unusual in old age.
Avoid excessive physical activity
At the age of 60, you should avoid physical activities which involve heavy weight lifting, jumping, running etc. because in old age your bones, tissues, muscles and joints are weakened due to lifetime use and they are more prone to damage with these activities.
We should be very careful in our movements in old age. If you feel any problem in your bones or muscles, do not ignore it and discuss it with Best Orthopedic Surgeon.
Reading books
Reading books can also make you happy and you can stay active too. Books do not make us bore and we can spend good time with them while ageing.
Cut Calories
We should cut out calories from our diet while ageing because metabolism rate slows down with age. It is difficult to digest fats and calories and the person gets fat. In old age, it is difficult to lose weight and it can increase the risk of fracture or bone injury.
Take Supplements
You can improve your bone health with supplements too because it is not possible to get all the nutrients from your diet. So simply you should ask your doctor for an appropriate supplement for yourself which has no negative effect on your health.
Bone density test
It is recommended that after 60 people should have a bone density test. It can tell you how much your bones are strong. If you need any medications or changes in diet orthopaedic doctor will inform you.
If you have reached the age of 60 or heading towards it, try practising a few of the above-mentioned things to keep yourself active and healthy.